Finding out which foods you’re allergic or intolerant to can be difficult. While some reactions or symptoms are immediately apparent, often they’re not. Some foods may make you feel more tired the following day, for example, or you may notice some bloating over time. Some eczema may appear, or you may find that you’re catching colds and infections more frequently. But often it is extremely hard to pinpoint the exact foods which may be causing the problems.
There are various methods of diagnosis available, but many people find that following an Elimination Diet is the most accurate way of finding out. This certainly is time-consuming and you do need to stick to it completely, but you may find that it gives you the answers you’re looking for.
It can then be extremely helpful to follow a Rotation Diet, once you have eliminated all the problem foods from your diet. Often people who are allergic/intolerant to foods can develop sensitivities to even more foods. This is because they might avoid dairy products, for example, but then rely solely on soya alternatives. By eating or drinking these every day, they might well then become sensitive to the substitute. By following a Rotation Diet you can avoid overloading your body with any particular foods and ensure that it can process foods properly, start to detoxify –
and allow it to recover.
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Following an Elimination Diet may help you identify any food to which you are allergic or intolerant.
Often people who suffer from allergies or intolerances are advised to follow a Rotation Diet mainly because this can help prevent them becoming sensitive to any more foods.
The key to following an Elimination Diet and a Rotation Diet is to follow the food families.