This recipe is from my book, Simply Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free. When I had my baby, Zoe, I had to adapt my cooking. No more spending hours making something complicated and fiddly, or cooking whenever I felt like it. Instead, I had to find ways to make food easily (and often while holding Zoe with one arm) around…
fruit sugar
Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Sunflower Seed Bread
I’ve revised my book The Best Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free & Dairy-Free Recipes. I originally wrote the book to cater for people who couldn’t eat gluten plus those who couldn’t eat wheat but could eat gluten – as well as those who couldn’t eat dairy. I know there are lots of people who need to avoid wheat…
Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Christmas Cake
I’m so excited about Christmas this year! Zoe is 2 years old, so I think she’ll understand it this year. She was only a couple of months’ old for her first Christmas, 2 years ago – and she slept through most of it, including the very loud Mama Mia karaoke my sister had organized! And…
Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Carrot & Beetroot Cupcakes
Zoë is now 2 years old! We had a birthday party in the park at the weekend to celebrate with her friends, including Ivy pictured here – and it was wonderful! For the tea I cooked chicken nuggets, squash nuggets, sweet potato wedges, gluten-free sausages and dips with vegetable sticks. And then I made Carrot…
Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Nectarine Tart
This pastry is beautifully light and stays a golden colour, even though the tart is in the oven for 50 minutes. For this to happen, you need to add a little more water than normal – so that there is enough moisture in the pastry – making it extremely sticky! Don’t worry – I’ve included…